Editions of Montessori’s Works in the German Language

This project is based on earlier studies and follows on from them. So far the main aim has been to complete the editions of Montessori’s main works, which have been revised according to academic standards, by editing smaller works that have not been published yet or are not available any more and by correcting older and faulty texts. At the same time, a broader and better basis for further research on Montessori’s work was to be established. During the time the University of Münster published the latest research report, a comprehensive new edition of Maria Montessori’s work in the German language according to academic standards was in the planning stage. Translations and scholarly commentaries of Montessori’s works in Dutch and Italian which have not yet been published in German have been in preparation. Some smaller texts have been published. The project is now being continued on a more expanded basis in co-operation with academics from other universities in Germany.

Academics involved

Harold Baumann, PhD (Switzerland); Prof. Franz Hammerer, PhD (PA Vienna, Austria), Prof. Volker Ladenthin, PhD (University of Bonn), PD Michael Klein-Landeck, PhD (Univer-sity of Oldenburg), Prof. Harald Ludwig, PhD (University of Münster), Anja Schulting, PhD (University of Münster), Prof. Ingeborg Waldschmidt, PhD (FU Berlin), Esther Dücker/Fleur Winter until 2005 (University of Münster)


Montessori, Maria: Soziale und moralische Erziehung (translated from Dutch by Fleur Winter, adapted by Harald Ludwig), in: Montessori — Zeitschrift für Montessori-Pädagogik 41 (2003), H.3, S.98-110, ferner in: Ludwig, H. /Fischer, Ch. / Fischer, R. / Klein-Landeck, M. (eds.): Sozialerziehung in der Montessori-Pädagogik — Theorie und Praxis einer ‚Erfahrungsschule des sozialen Lebens’, series: Impulse der Reformpädagogik, ed. by H. Ludwig, Bd.12, Münster: LIT-Verlag 2005, S.23-34


Montessori, Maria: Wissen als Mittel zur Entwicklung der Persönlichkeit (translated from Dutch by Fleur Winter, adapted by Harald Ludwig), in: Ludwig, H. u.a. (eds.): Verstehendes Lernen in der Montessori-Pädagogik, Münster 2003, S.73-79


Montessori, Maria: Das junge Kind in der Familie (translated from Dutch by Fleur Winter, adapted by Harald Ludwig), in: Ludwig, H. u.a. (eds.): Montessori-Pädagogik und frühe Kindheit, Münster 2004, S.16-26


Montessori, Maria: Soziale Erziehung im Jugendalter (translated from English and Italian by Anja Schulting, adapted by Harald Ludwig), in: Ludwig, H. u. a. (eds.) 2005 (s. o.), S.35-47


Montessori, Maria: Die neue Erziehung für die Sekundarschule (translated from French by Esther Dücker, adapted by Harald Ludwig), in: Ludwig, H. u. a. (eds.) 2005 (s.o.), S.48-56


Montessori, Maria: Von der Grundschule zur Sekundarschule (translated from French by Esther Dücker, adapted by Harald Ludwig), in: Ludwig, H. u. a. (eds.) 2005 (s. o.), S.57-65


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