Since a congress on New Education in Europe which took place in Athens in 1995 and in which Prof. Ludwig took part there have been close work relations to Prof. Karel Rýdl, PhD, of the Karls University in Prague. Prof. Rýdl supports New Educational concepts, above all Montessori’s concept, and, within this framework, organises congresses and training courses in the Czech Republic. He took part in the international series of lectures at the University of Münster in the winter semester of 1996/97, in the following years gave further guest lectures there and visited the Montessori Centre together with students of the University of Prague. In 1999 Prof. Ludwig gave a guest lecture on Maria Montessori’s concept of Cosmic Education at the University of Prague. In 2000 Prof. Rýdl edited a Czech translation of the book “Erziehen mit Maria Montessori” published by Prof. Ludwig (Freiburg: Herder, 52003).
Rydl, Karel: Maria Montessori und ihre Pädagogik in der tschechischen pädagogischen Theorie und Praxis, in: Ludwig, H. (ed.): Montessori-Pädagogik in der Diskussion, Freiburg 1999, p.271-305
Prof. Dr. Karel Rýdl, CSc., Univerzita Pardubice, Studentská 84, CZ-53210 Pardubice, Tschechische Republik, Tel.: 00420-466036447, e-mail: or