Anthropological Research in an Interdisciplinary Context


Continuing the anthropological research and publications in the field of Montessori Education, the following topics have been examined:


  • Maria Montessori’s conception of man as reflected in the interdisciplinary research; presented and published in Hungary in 2003.
  • Anthropological aspects of “Cosmic Education” in Maria Montessori’s work — a contribution requested for a Russian publication (University of Belgorod) and published in German in advance.


Academic involved

Prof. Hildegard Holtstiege, PhD


Holtstiege, Hildegard: Montessori emberkébe az aktuàlis kutatás tükrében. Pécs (Ungarn) 2003.


Holtstiege, Hildegard: Anthropologische Aspekte der "Kosmischen Erziehung" Maria Montessoris, in: Montessori — Zeitschrift für Montessori-Pädagogik 41 (2003), S.191-211


Holtstiege, Hildegard: Die Hand, die ihre Hand im Spiel hat, in: Fischer, Reinhard/ Heitkämper, Peter (eds.): Montessori-Pädagogik: aktuelle und internationale Entwicklungen, Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Harald Ludwig, series: Impulse der Reformpädagogik, Bd. 10, Münster: LIT-Verlag 2005, S.17-46


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